Here you will find links to useful websites, lists of the major legislation and where to find it, and other tools to assist you in developing your understanding of Australian corporations law. Resources are listed under each of the main Thomson Reuters corporations law texts.

Corporations Law: In Principle, 9th Edition

Following is a list of websites which are invaluable for studying and understanding corporations law. The General Corporations Law Website List contains links to websites relevant to each of the topics covered in Corporations Law: In Principle, 9th Edition and a topic-by-topic list of other relevant websites is below. Where no websites are listed, refer to the General List.

Understanding Company Law, 18th Edition

Phillip Lipton and Abe Herzberg have developed a companion website to Understanding Company Law which contains links to relevant legislation, discussion papers and recent developments, links to websites, as well as a section on exam and study tips. Visit

Corporations Legislation 2015

Corporations Legislation 2015 consolidates the Corporations Act and Regulations and provides key section annotations.

The major sources of corporations legislation are:

  • Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
  • Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth)
Visit the Commonwealth Parliament website at to access the corporations legislation online.