
Authority with every search.

Confidence with every answer.

Built with customers for customers Westlaw brings simplicity and confidence to your legal research workflow.

Westlaw uses the cutting-edge technology informed by an expert team of in-house lawyers bringing you the most up to date primary and secondary law on one platform.

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Westlaw is now even better!

Westlaw works intuitively with the way lawyers work and think. With simplicity and speed in your everyday legal research workflow, you can now spend less time verifying research and more time on things that matter, like developing your client relationships.

No matter what area of law you practice, from content to search, we have you covered.

Speed to answer

Westlaw has been developed in partnership with lawyers, just like you, to offer a unique user experience for faster interpretation. This means you can view relevant cases, commentary and authorised reports in a single search.

Save time

Now 7.1x faster than its predecessor, with cutting edge search technology, giving you smarter guidance, improved readability and suggested sources. You know when your legal research is complete and can be confident you haven’t’ missed anything.

Expert quality

A large in-house team of expert legal editors, authors from leading firms and in-house legal teams provide insightful commentary /create content and cutting-edge features like KeyCite, Natural Legal Language search, Key Number system categorise this content. You can be confident that Westlaw delivers quality results, empowered by our experts.

Personalised for you

Responsive to your individual workflow, Westlaw remembers your search settings, tracks your history, and delivers results to suit you. Get alerts on updates on the cases you are working on, collaborate with your colleagues, share and annotate and much more.

Did you know we offer simplified plans?

Westlaw offers simple plan options tailored to fit your needs.

The future of legal research is here.