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Choose from over 100 titles!
- Annotated Victorian Charter of Rights
- Australian Citizenship Law
- Federal Constitutional Law: A Contemporary View
- Government Powers under a Federal Constitution
- Guide to Proceedings in the WA State Administrative Tribunal
- Judicial Review of Administrative Action and Government Liability
- Winterton’s Australian Federal Constitutional Law Commentary & Materials
- Everett and McCracken’s Banking and Financial Institutions Law
- Law of Investments and Financial Markets
- Company Administrators and Scheme Managers
- Keay’s Insolvency
- Building Disputes & Home Building Act 19
- Construction Law in Australia
- Quantification of Delay and Disruption in Construction and Engineering Projects
- Security of Payment in Building & Construction
- Understanding Australian Construction Contracts
- Australian Commercial Law
- Class Actions in Australia
- Commercial Arbitration in Australia
- Contract in Commercial Law
- Lender Liability
- Personal Property Securities in Practice
- Tourism and Hospitality Law in Australia
- Unfair Contract Terms in Australia
- Unjust Enrichment in Commercial Law
- Access Regulation in Australia
- Corones’ Competition Law in Australia
- An Outline of the Law of Partnership
- Business Law in Practice
- Duties of Board & Committee Members
- Guide for Meetings & Organisations Volume 1
- Guide for Meetings & Organisations Volume 2
- Joske’s Law & Procedures at Meetings
- Takeovers Law & Strategy
- Australian Civil Procedure
- Dispute Resolution
- Ethics and Justice in Mediation
- International Law Practice Manual
- Interpretation Acts: Origins and Meanings
- Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility
- NCAT Practice and Procedure
- Pleading Precedents
- Professional Liability in Australia
- Uniform Civil Procedure in Queensland
- Criminal Appeals and Reviews in Victoria
- Criminal Courts and Mental Illness
- Criminal Jurisdiction & Procedure in the Magistrates’ & Children’s Courts of Victoria
- Interlocutory Criminal Appeals in Australia
- Principles Federal Criminal Law
- Principles of Criminal Law
- Prosecuting
- Sentencing: State & Federal Law in Victoria
- Modern Slavery and Supply Chain Reporting for Business
- The Modern Contract of Employment
- Tooma’s Annotated Work Health and Safety Act 2011
- Exclusionary Provisions in the Uniform Evidence Law
- Australian Elder Law: Accommodation, Agency and Remedies in Australia
- Mediating with Families
- Parental Leave: A User-Friendly Guide
- Retirement Village Law in NSW
- Animal Law in Australia
- Australian Legal Principles and Institutions
- Aviation Law in Australia
- Clear & Precise Writing Skills for Today’s Lawyer
- Indigenous Legal Issues: Commentary & Materials
- International Law in Australia
- Law Making and Human Rights
- Royal Commissions: Law & Practice
- Sex, Gender, Sexuality and the Law
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- Australian Domain Name Law
- Electronic Information and The Law
- Private Life in a Digital World
- Australian Water Law
- Bluett’s Local Government Handbook NSW
- Investigating Corruption & Misconduct in Public Office
- Planning & Environmental Law in WA
- Defamation Law
- Annotated Civil Liability Act NSW
- Disability & the Queensland Justice System
- Fleming’s The Law of Torts
- Health Law in Australia
- Tort Liability for Mental Harm
- Agent’s Handbook (Queensland): Your Essential Legal Guide
- Australian Native Title Law
- Australian Real Property Law
- Butt’s Land Law
- Commercial Leases in Australia
- e-Conveyancing Simplified
- Ilkin’s NSW Strata Schemes Management
- Land Titling Law and Practice in NSW
- Law of Compulsory Land Acquisition
- Law of Options & Pre-emptive Rights
- Sale of Land Act (Victoria)
- Sale of Land in NSW: Commentary and Materials
- Strata Law in NSW
- Strata Legislation Handbook NSW 2016-17
- Victorian Land Contracts
- Equity and Trusts in Australia
- Equity Practice and Precedents
- Lee’s Manual of Queensland Succession Law
- On Equity
- Principles of the Australian Law of Remedies